Wednesday, November 4, 2009


firstly, i can't be bothered to put a tagboard. will do once i bother. for the time being, deal with the comments box. if you want to comment/rant/complain/link you or whatnot throw it in the comments box.

i had no idea what was in store for me this morning.
for all i know, i left home at 7:30 in the morn.
farrepark mrt - petir lrt (bukit panjang)

got there, met dad's friend and voila. i was given a t-shirt and i was already on the job.
i felt like a straight-up champ.
i had to drill holes in people's homes. (meet friendly people too)
i had to lay out cables on the ceiling along the corridor and into their homes.

all this for running a new cable for customers who just applied for wireless modem internet. we love our internet don't we.

in one whole day, i did a total of 8 houses. with the help of two men of course. i'm the youngest worker so far. oh, dig this, in one whole hdb block, in a day, i had to set up cables and wireless modems for eight customers. so that means, singaporeans apply for ze internetz every single day. in that case i will never get bored working.

love you sing ka poh kiasu people.

made a friend (collegue) with a bangladeshi worker too. he has education for goodness sake and he's going to australia for further studies after finishing this fun job.

you wanna boo me up for being a low class fixing cables and modems for people? for working like a HDB contractor?

HAH, no me = no internet for you.

hell yea i love my job. i sniff good money!

bedok tomorrow for more drilling and setting up wireless modems!

so stoked for having to go around singapore doing a temporary job.

i get to play with fibre optics.

tools not for the fools.


picture of ze day.